How to Increase Your Financial Security Without Sacrificing Your Wellness

free webinar

october 30, 2024
5PM - 6:30PM PST

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It’s time for more progressive BIPOC, women, and LGBTQ+ gente to stop wanting more financial freedom but settling for the same crusty dusty.

You're ready to...

Pay for traveling without credit card debt

Save $50k for a down payment on a house

Spend without feeling guilty

Invest thousands for early retirement

Increase your income by starting a business

Stop fighting about money with your partner

… without the overwhelm, exhaustion, and stress.

Start your 1:1 journey towards financial freedom, where mastering self-care creates the peace and confidence you crave.

I Understand the Journey You've Been On.

You've checked all the boxes: earned the degree, landed a job with good benefits, and found your soulmate, only to discover that your finances and lack of energy are holding you back.

That degree came with a huge price tag, leaving you buried in debt.

The job you love? It's taxing, both on your body and your bank accounts, leaving little room for anything else.

Discussing finances with your partner—or anyone, really—feels like walking through a thin aisle of nopales, thanks to those childhood money wounds.

But here is what you desire and deserve:

You want to stop paying off debt only to end up with your cards maxed out a few months later

You want to face your finances and have dinero conversations without feeling anxiety

You want to develop a healthy relationship with money so you stop feeling guilty whenever you spend on self-care

You want to buy a house, travel, take care of loved ones, and know that you’re investing enough to retire when you want to

I Can Help You.

In six-months, you will learn how to engage in D.I.V.E.R.S.E. self-care daily and as a result

You will feel calm and confident shopping and still be decreasing your debt.

You will know that you can go to concerts and still have money for a house down payment.

You will give money to loved ones and still invest consistently towards your retirement.

You will stop fighting about money with your partner and finally feel like you’re working together to build wealth.

I'm Soledad, a Queer Mexican-American, married to my Black Dominican-American partner, navigating the cost of raising a trans daughter and a Black son in sunny, expensive AF Southern California.

For the longest time, I thought financial freedom wasn't possible for someone with my identities and lived experiences.

Talking about money with my partner was the last thing I wanted to do—it just brought back all these bad money memories from when I was a kid.

My approach to money was all over the place. One minute, I'd be on a shopping spree; the next, I'd ask for help to hide my credit cards, thinking I just couldn't control myself.

I felt stuck between wanting to enjoy life now and worrying about whether I'd ever own a home.

Even though I was always there for my loved ones, I had very little in savings and no clue if I was investing enough for retirement.

Been there, felt that, changed it… poco a poco.

Now, I'm living debt-free, with a solid $30k in the bank for emergencies, and another $10k+ set aside for fun stuff like travel and gifts. I can treat my family to a nice night out without stressing about it, and I'm putting away thousands for early retirement.

I got here, and you can too.
Let’s change your financial trajectory together.

1:1 Coaching client

"I learned to think about financial planning through a lens of abundance."

I've trusted the process of acknowledging and processing my unintentional thoughts and feelings around money, and now have seen money coming my way. I have a really good understanding of my finances now, and feel confident taking the next steps independently to continue to increase my income and build the financial life I want.

Kate Holguin

"I was making the most I’ve ever made but I was also the most burned out I’ve ever been"

I realized that I needed to prioritize my wellness to increase my wealth. I was making the most I’ve ever made but I was also the most burned out I’ve ever been. Since quitting my job the scarcity mindset is gone. It comes up here and there but I know how to adjust inner dialogue.

1:1 Coaching client


"Soledad also pushed and help me to increase my income by seeking a higher paying job."

All of this while taking the time to examine my thoughts (instead of merely distracting my mind), find the real cause of my worries (instead of trying to immediately fix things) and treating myself with love and self care (instead of putting everyone else before myself).

1:1 Coaching client

Jamie Islas

"My husband and I began to believe that we truly could become millionaires someday."

My husband initially felt we shouldn't pay for support when we could improve our financial literacy through free resources, such as Youtube videos and podcasts. I found this very unsafe, so disagreed and hired Soledad instead. By the end of the coaching program, my husband and I began to believe that we truly could become millionaires someday. Also, I now see coaching as an investment in myself.

1:1 Coaching client

Graciela & Eric

I used to resist thought work and now I find myself sitting down taking the time to process the emotions I used to run away from and avoid.

After working with Soledad, I have learned about creating a self-care spending plan, the importance of building an emergency fund, and have increased my income to pay off debt. Most importantly, we have worked on processing trauma so that I have the mental capacity to stick to my financial plan. I used to resist thought work and now I find myself sitting down taking the time to process the emotions I used to run away from and avoid.

1:1 Coaching client

Dineydi Matos

Her ability to get you to see your authentic self and how you have become the person you are is the ultimate flex. 

I blamed myself for not having more when I was sincerely a victim to my trauma. That one realization has lifted a load off me. One of the best things she helped me discover was the connection between my trauma and spending patterns and the need for me to make space for my emotions and self, so I can stop living between "Push Through" and "burnout". That knowledge has help me in every area of my life, including creating a business that is wrapped in purpose.

1:1 Coaching client

Felicia Akuamoah 

You may have read the latest personal finance bestseller, nodding along, feeling that rush of "I can totally do this."

You start with ganas, tackling your budget, cutting back on unnecessary spending, maybe even setting aside a little savings.

But as the weeks go by, the excitement goes away.
Suddenly, you're debating between driving to Nordstroms or Nordstroms Rack to buy a gift for a loved one.

That initial burst of determination fades into a shameful voice whispering, "You wouldn’t have to choose if you were just better with money.”

Or maybe you’ve set bold money goals at the start of the year. "This is it," you tell yourself, "the year I get out of debt, save up $20k, buy a new car, and finally see my credit score jump."

But then, life happens. Birthdays, emergencies, those shoes you just had to have because they were on sale and you thought, "I deserve this."

Before you know it, it's December again, and you're left feeling like you're stuck in the same financial cycle, wondering where all your money went.

I've walked dozens of clients out of these cycles.

People who thought they were doomed to repeat the same money mistakes forever.

Gente who believed they were destined to always be the one who's a bit too stressed to enjoy a night out because they're worried about the bill.

We dug deep into those sneaky limiting beliefs that kept them running in circles, not getting anywhere.

I met them where they were at and helped them fill their financial know-how gaps—no more feeling lost when looking at investment accounts.

We crafted new habits that didn't just aim for the next paycheck but for lifelong wealth and wellness.
They didn’t just transform the numbers in their bank accounts.

They built the confidence to walk straight into Nordstroms, without the guilt, knowing they had more than enough to spend with confidence.

They learned to set financial goals and crush them, not because they were suddenly financial geniuses, but because they learned how to make their money work for them.

Your story isn't so different.

You're here because you're ready for that change.

Let's make it happen, juntos.

During our twelve 1:1 coaching calls and texting in between calls, you will have my support to do the following:

Develop the habit of engaging in D.I.V.E.R.S.E. self-care daily so you stop feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and stressed out

Develop the habit of checking in with your finances weekly so you can spend with joy

1:1 Coaching also comes with access to Wealth Para Todos Academy for six months.

Develop the skills of adjusting your budget, paying your credit cards in full weekly, automating savings and investment contributions, and talking dinero with confianza so you feel in control of your finances

Develop the belief that your income potential is limitless so you can focus on having more money without constantly trying to decrease your expenses

I’m a money expert that has been featured in dozens of podcasts and media publications because I’m passionate about making sure more of us have the skills, beliefs, and habits that keep us healthy and wealthy.

as seen in...


The Investment

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No more settling for less, when you know in your heart you’re ready to have more.

More peace

More Calm

More ease

More joy

More dinero

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